iQOO launched the Z9s and Z9s Pro in India today, and the two smartphones were joined by the TWS 1e pair of true wireless earbuds. These are priced at just INR 1,899 and promise up to 30dB active noise cancelation, and up to 42h total playback time (when including the case). Ten minutes of fast charging will give you three hours of playback.
These are iQOO's first ever TWS earbuds in
India, by the way. They come with 11mm drivers and audio fine tuned by the
Golden Ear Acoustics Team. For calls there's an "AI" algorithm to
minimize external noise. There is an 88ms low-latency mode for gaming. Dual
device connections are supported, as are Bluetooth 5.3, Google Fast Pair,
Google Assistant, and Find My Device. The earbuds feature wear detection so the
playback automatically pauses when you take them out of your ears and resumes
when you put them back in. You get touch controls on these, and an IP54 rating
for dust and splash (and sweat) resistance.
The iQOO TWS 1e available in
Flame Yellow at Amazon in India.