Amazfit announced its latest smartwatch in India today with the Amazfit Pop 3S. It brings the largest screen to date on an Amazfit watch with its 1.96-inch AMOLED display with Always-On Display (AOD) functionality. The resolution is 410 x 502px and you get over 100 watch faces to choose from. The midframe is made from zinc alloy while the buttons are stainless steel.
Pop 3S features 24/7 heart-rate monitoring
as well as blood oxygen, stress and sleep tracking. It also covers over 100
sports modes and brings an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance. There’s
no onboard GPS or NFC here though. Pairing happens over Bluetooth LE 5.2 and
thanks to the built-in speaker, Pop 3S supports Bluetooth calling via your
phone. There’s a 300mAh battery which is rated at 12 days of typical usage.
Pricing is set at INR 3,499 for the
versions with the silicone strap while the metal strap variant will go for INR
3,999. Open sales start today and you can pick up a unit from Amazfit official
website and Amazon.