Following the Galaxy Z Fold5 leaked promo image from earlier today, comes an official look a the Galaxy Z Flip5. The leaked image shows the upcoming foldable’s large folder-shaped cover screen which is rumored to measure 3.4 inches in diagonal. Based on a previous leak the outer screen will be of 720 x 748px resolution (60Hz) and will run optimized Google apps including Maps, Messages, and YouTube.
Galaxy Z Flip5 will be equipped with a
Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for Galaxy alongside 8GB RAM and 128/256GB storage. It is
also expected to boast a 6.7-inch main screen with FHD+ resolution and a 120Hz
refresh rate as well as dual 12MP cameras.
The battery should come in at 3,700 mAh
with support for 25W charging. Samsung already confirmed it will announce the Z
Flip5 and Z Fold5 at a special Unpacked event in Seoul, South Korea in the last
week of July, possibly on July 26.