Noise, a popular wearable brand in India has announced the launch date of the new Noise ColorFit Pro 3 Smartwatch in India. Going by the name, this will be the successor to the ColorFit Pro 2. Noise, which was found by Amit Khatri & Gaurav Khatri in 2014, started as a company selling smartphone cases and accessories. Later, it has developed itself and entered into audio and other smart IoT segments. The ColorFit Pro 3 is their latest addition to the tally of Smartwatches and it is launching in India on February 10 at 10:00 AM IST.
Ahead of the launch, the company has
revealed key specs and features of the smartwatch. Accordingly, the ColorFit
Pro 3 will feature a 1.55-inch HD Color Touchscreen with a 320×320 pixel
resolution and 500 nits brightness. To compare, the predecessor has a smaller
1.3-inch display.
Moving on, the ColorFit Pro 3, just like
any other smartwatches, has Blood Oxygen(SpO2), 24/7 Heart rate(PPG),
Stress-level monitoring. Additionally, it can also track your sleep and give
reports based on Light, Deep sleep, and REM cycles.
Other features include 5ATM water
resistance, Bluetooth v5.0, 210mAh battery, and more. The official website
event page also shows a variety of interchangeable straps in Red, Green, Pink,
Gray, Purple colors. You can also customize the Watch Faces, track workout
activities via the NoiseFit Application.
Flipkart has already opened a teaser page
confirming the availability on the e-commerce platform. To remind you, the
ColorFit Pro 2 is currently retailing for ₹ 3,299 (₹ 5,999) in India. Hence, we
can expect a similar if not less pricing for the ColorFit Pro 3.