realme recently brought the smartwatches like realme Watch S, S Pro in countries like India. Soon after, the successors of the first realme Watch started appearing online. The realme Watch 2 and Watch 2 Pro moniker first appeared on the source code of realme Link App. Now, the ‘Pro’ branding has been confirmed by FCC.
As posted by Mukul Sharma, a realme device
with model number RMA2006 appears on FCC. The certification Straight up shows
that the device’s name is realme Watch 2 Pro. Although the documents of the
certification aren’t fully uploaded yet, we get to see the watch dial design
having a square-shape with rounded corners.
One of the reports, which is for the
placement of the FCC label on the watch, shows the schematics. As shown below,
there are cut-outs of the outer frame at the top and bottom which should be the
placement of straps. On the side, we see another cut-out that could be for the
single Watch controls key.
Further, the FCC listing shows that the
power supply model is XE205. Checking this in other certifications like UL
Demko, it has been certified with a 390mAh battery. This suggests that the Pro
variant will sport a slightly bigger battery than its sibling.
Speaking of which the realme Watch
2 (RMA2008) has already been certified on FCC and the majority of its specs have
leaked. Accordingly, it will come with a 1.4-inch TFT square-shaped LCD
square-shaped panel, 305mAh battery, Bluetooth 5.0 LE, water and dust resistance, Blood Oxygen(SpO2)
and Heart-rate monitoring(PPG), and more. Let’s wait for a few days to as the
FCC listing will likely reveal more specs of the realme Watch 2 Pro. This
realme Watch 2 Pro has also been spotted on India’s BIS suggesting a wider
launch soon.