Xbox One X Laptop Mod

Ed from Eds Junk has created an Xbox One X Laptop that he calls the Xbook One X. The device was created using an Xbox One X consoles and a 21.5 inch 1080p Full HD View Sonic monitor. It even comes with its own keyboard built in which can be used to control the device, have a look at the video of it in action below.

On the front of the system we have 5 buttons for controlling all of the functions of the LCD. It is an actual View Sonic computer monitor, so you can adjust the audio, screen settings ext right from the on board buttons. You also have the disk tray, power, disk eject and controller sync buttons as well. 

There is also one convenient USB on the front of the system. On the back of the unit you will be able to use HDMI Out (if ordered) to put the image on your big screen when you are at home in 4k! Next to those is going to be your power in, 2 USB ports (only one if you order the keyboard option), Ethernet and optical audio out. You only need one power plug to power this system on.