A week after the Realme 13 Pro and 13 Pro+ went on sale in India, the company has started teasing the arrival of the vanilla Realme 13 series. The phones will focus on the “speed trinity”: Chipset, Memory and Charging. Scrolling a little further down the landing page, there is a mention of the Dimensity 7200. Recently, we saw a Geekbench result from the Realme 13+ with the Dimensity 7300 instead, so the 7200 might be for the base Realme 13.
Not that the Dimensity 7200 is bad – it’s
a 4nm (TSMC) chip with 2x Cortex-A715 (2.8GHz) and 6x Cortex-A510 (2.0GHz),
plus a Mali-G610 MC4 (1.13GHz) GPU. For comparison, the D7300 is also a 4nm
chip, but with 4x Cortex-A78 (2.5GHz) and 4x Cortex-A55 (2.0GHz), plus a
Mali-G615 MC2 (1.05GHz).
Data from TENAA shows that the Realme 13+
will have a 6.67” FHD+ OLED display, 50+2MP rear and 16MP front cameras, plus a
5,000mAh battery. Also based on TENAA info, the base Realme 13 will use a 6.72”
FHD+ LCD instead, 50+2MP rear and 16MP front cameras and a 5,000mAh battery
with 45W charging (we hear rumors that the plus model will charge at 80W). Both
models will be configurable with up to 16GB of RAM.