Motorola’s Edge series just received its latest addition – the Edge 50 which was announced in India earlier today. It boasts a 120Hz OLED display, a Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 chip, and a 5,000 mAh battery with 68W wired and 15W wireless charging. This is also the slimmest IP68 and MIL 810H certified phone on the market at 7.79mm all while having passed over 30 tests for extreme temperature, moisture, dust, and drops.
Edge 50 features a curved 6.7" pOLED
with FHD+ resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate. The panel is protected by
Corning Gorilla Glass 5 and features a 32MP front-facing camera Motorola went
with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 Accelerated Edition (2.5 GHz Cortex-A710
core) at the helm alongside 8GB RAM and 256GB storage. The back houses a 50MP
main cam equipped with a Sony LYT-700C sensor, a 10MP telephoto lens with 3x
optical zoom, and a 13MP ultrawide shooter.
Edge 50 boots Android 14 with Hello UI on
top and is promised to receive two years of Android updates and three years of
security patches. Motorola Edge 50 comes in Jungle Green, Peach Fuzz, and Koala
Grey colors. Pricing in India starts at INR 27,999 (UA$ 334) for the sole 8/256GB
trim. Open sales from Flipkart and offline stores are scheduled to begin on
August 8.