vivo announced its vivo V29e today in India as the latest addition to the midrange V-series lineup. The device brings a 6.78-inch curved AMOLED screen with FHD+ resolution, a 120Hz refresh rate and a 50MP front-facing camera with eye autofocus. The back features a dual-tone design with color-changing glass which vivo calls Artistic Design. The Artistic Red variant brings a UV-sensitive back which changes from red to black when exposed to UV light. There's a 64MP main camera alongside an 8MP ultrawide module housed inside the camera rings.
The phone is equipped with Qualcomm’s
Snapdragon 695 chipset alongside 8GB RAM and 128/256GB storage which is further
expandable via the microSD card slot. The software side is covered by Funtouch OS
13 on top of Android 13 while the battery comes in at 5,000 mAh and supports
44W fast charging.
vivo V29e comes in Artistic Red and
Artistic Blue colors and starts at INR 26,999 (US$ 327) for the 8/128GB trim. The
8/256GB version is priced at INR 28,999 (US$ 350). The phone is already on
pre-order from vivo and partnering retailers.