Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon G Series processor and one of the devices that uses those is the AYANEO Pocket S. The said device is an Android gaming handheld console that promises to deliver a next-gen portable gaming experience. Like its Windows counterparts, the Pocket S comes with a sleek gaming design with 2 built-in controllers on the sides with 4 face buttons, directional buttons, 2x joysticks, triggers, and more keys for other functions.
In between those, you will see an undisclosed
display size but will have Full HD+ resolution and 144Hz refresh rate. The
icing on the cake is the Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 which is designed to bring
"PC-level" gaming as per Qualcomm's claims. It uses an 8-core Kryo
CPU with 30 percent enhanced speed vs. its predecessor. The chip contains an
Adreno 32 GPU with twice the performance gain vs. the previous generation.
Ayaneo also claimed that despite using a
Snapdragon chip, it will come with X86-level heat dissipation to sustain
performance when playing top-tier graphics Android games. Others mentioned are
the FastConnect 7800 5G modem, WiFi 7, and even support for Ray Tracing.
Lastly, the portable console maker
promised it would have a long battery life and multiple configuration options
suitable for gamers. Unfortunately, there are no price details yet while it
will fully launch this coming December 2023.