Qualcomm will announce the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset in late October, but it is already tested by phone manufacturers. A prototype with the SoC went through Geekbench, revealing a massive 5,977 multi-core score, 20% more than the results of the current second-gen Qualcomm chipset.
The phone is with model number NX769J, and
we assume it is the ZTE nubia Red Magic 9, which will have 12 GB RAM and will
ship with Android 14 out of the box. The motherboard is listed as “pineapple” -
the same as the Samsung Galaxy S24 device that was on Geekbench. However, the
results are different because of the different versions of the benchmarking
Qualcomm is expected to introduce a new
architecture for its flagship chips – the CPU will be 1x Cortex-X4 + 5x
Cortex-A720 + 2x Cortex-A520, while the GPU should be named Adreno 750 with 10
MB L3 cache, which is a 20% increase over the cache in the current flagship.
We'll know more on October 24, which is a month ahead of the usual date on
which the Snapdragon Summit takes place.