Jio is apparently planning on launching new smartphones in the Indian market soon. Reliance Industries may host its annual AGM event later this month, where it is expected to unveil its latest 5G smartphone offerings. But ahead of this event, a new BIS listing has revealed that there are two new models in the works.
The company is expected to hold its AGM
event on August 28. Recently, we have covered certain rumors and reports
regarding this device, but a BIS sighting further cements these leaks. The
listing was spotted by known tipster Mukul Sharma that shared the details in a
tweet. The listing revealed that the upcoming Jio Phones will be manufactured
in Noida.
Additionally, there are two models that
are in the works, carrying the model numbers JBV161W1 and JBV162W1.
Unfortunately, the listing does not reveal any other finer details regarding
the device like its specifications and pricing. In our previous report, we
covered leaked images of the new Jio Phone 5G, which likely carries one of
these model numbers.
The smartphones will likely debut in the
region later this month and could very well be the cheapest 5G phone in India.
Based on what we know so far, the device may sport a 6.5-inch IPS LCD panel
with HD+ resolution. A Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 SoC may power this device that
is paired with 4GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. The rear features a
13-megapixel dual camera setup, while the front houses an 8-megapixel selfie