Xiaomi went ahead and announced its Redmi 12 smartphone. The device comes as a successor to last year’s Redmi 11 and is already available in Thailand. Redmi 12 features a 6.79-inch LCD with FHD+ resolution and a 90Hz refresh rate. There’s an 8MP front-facing cam housed in the punch hole cutout while the back houses a 50MP main unit alongside an 8MP ultrawide and a 2MP macro lens. MediaTek’s Helio G88 chipset sits at the helm aided by 4/8GB RAM and 128/256GB storage which is expandable via the microSD card slot.
The software side is covered by MIUI 14
based on Android 13 while the battery comes in at 5,000 mAh and supports up to
18W charging. There’s a side-mounted fingerprint scanner, headphone jack and an
IP53 rating for splash protection.
Redmi 12 comes in Midnight Black, Sky Blue
and Polar Silver colors. Pricing in Thailand is set at THB 5,299 (US$ 153) for the
8/128GB trim from Shopee and Lazada. Based on previous rumors, Redmi 12 will
cost € 199 when it arrives in Europe.