Logitech has announced the introduction of the M240 Bluetooth Mouse in the Indian market. The Logitech M240 Silent Bluetooth Mouse is propped as Logitech’s most affordable Bluetooth mouse to date. It is a pair-and-play wireless mouse and offers a more productive workspace and seamless navigation.
The Logitech M240 Bluetooth Mouse uses
fast and easy Bluetooth technology to seamlessly connect to a computer or
tablet. It has a wireless range of 33 feet and it is available in several color
variants. The color options are graphite, rose, and off-white. It is a
travel-friendly mouse that allows you to get more work done at any time. It has
an 18-month battery life and other features include auto sleep for enhanced
battery life.
Logitech claims that there are previous
researches that established that working with a mouse such as the M240 Silent
on a laptop is 30% faster and 50% more productive than a trackpad. The mouse
supports ultra-quiet clicks and up to 90% reduction in click noise. It however retains
that satisfying click feel. The M240 Silent has an ambidextrous design and can
be used by both left-handed and right-handed persons. The product is also
certified carbon neutral, as with all Logitech products. The plastic parts of
the M240 Silent Bluetooth mouse are post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic up to
48% (for the graphite model).
The Logitech M240 Silent Bluetooth mouse
is available in India directly from the Logitech website for Rs. 1,595 (US$ 19).
The product’s availability is expected to spread to other retail platforms in
the subcontinent.