After delaying the launch of its flagship smartphones, Xiaomi has confirmed that the Xiaomi 13 series smartphones will be officially launched on 11th December. Along with that, the company is all set to launch a few other products in the market. Now, just days before the official launch event, the company has teased the Xiaomi Sound Pro smart speaker and has also revealed the upcoming device’s appearance.
The teaser poster shared by the company
showcases the design of the Xiaomi Sound Pro, which the company claims will
offer flagship-quality sound. The photo shows that the speaker will have a
cylindrical body where the upper part of the product has a transparent design
with ambient light, which we expect to change based on the music’s rhythm.
Xiaomi has already started taking
reservations for the Sound Pro smart speaker and will keep it live till 11th
December, the launch date for the upcoming product. It will be available for
purchase in the Chinese market from 12th December, a day after it gets
announced. The list for the product’s reservation shows that the Black-colored
speaker has a gross weight of 3.08 kilograms and will come with support for
SBC, AAC audio transmission protocols, 8-ohm impedance, and a 3.5mm AUX port.
There’s a possibility that the company may
reveal more information about the device in the coming days through teaser
posters. Even if that isn’t the case, it’s not a long wait for the official
announcement to take place. Along with the Xiaomi 13 series and Xiaomi Sound
Pro, the company will also launch Xiaomi Mini Host and Xiaomi 10G Router on
11th December in the Chinese market.