POCO recently confirmed the global launch of POCO M4 Pro 4G model, along with the POCO X4 Pro 5G, on February 28th. Today, POCO India has confirmed the launch of the POCO M4 Pro smartphone in the country on the same day. The teaser image confirms a centre punch-hole display.
POCO has confirmed that the phone will
feature a 64MP rear camera along with a 118° ultra-wide camera and a 2MP 4cm
macro camera on the back, and a 16MP camera on the front. It has also confirmed
the rear design.
However, this will likely undercut the
pricing, just like it did with the POCO M4 Pro 5G model, so there might also be
a 4GB RAM model, in addition to 6GB RAM version. We can also expect a change in
the rear design.