BenQ has announced the launch of a new gaming monitor in India, called the MOBIUZ EX3210U. It is an ultra high-end 32-inch UHD monitor that features a maximum supported refresh rate of 144Hz, a response time of 1ms, VESA Display HDR 600 certification and more.
The monitor features a 4K IPS panel that
has 98% DCI-P3 color gamut coverage and Vesa DisplayHDR 600 certification. It
can output at 4K 120Hz via the fully-equipped 48Gbps HDMI 2.1 port or up to 4K
144Hz via the DisplayPort 1.4 port. The monitor boasts a response time of 1ms,
and it supports AMD FreeSync Premium Pro technology too.
It comes with HDRi technology which can
adjust the brightness and contrast of the display for an enhanced HDR
experience. Along with this, the monitor comes with two gaming focused
features, namely Light tuner and Black eQualizer. Light tuner highlights
details, make shadows more realistic and picture more vivid, while Black
eQualizer brightens darker areas without overexposing the lighter areas.
Regarding ports, it has 2 HDMI 2.1 ports,
a DisplayPort 1.4 port, 4 USB 3.0 ports and a headphone jack. Lastly, the
EX3210U has 2.1 channel speakers built-in, comprising of two 2W speakers and a
5W subwoofer. The BenQ MOBIUZ EX3210U is priced at Rs. 85,990, and is available
for purchase on, and other leading IT and consumer electronics retail
outlets across India.