Raspberry Pi smartwatch

Raspberry Pi enthusiasts looking for a project to keep them busy over the holidays May be interested in this awesome Raspberry Pi smartwatch created by Hackster.io user Tylersuard. The smartwatch is equipped with wireless and Bluetooth connectivity and uses the miniature and recently launched Raspberry Pi Zero W mini PC together with an LCD screen and a custom-designed and 3D printed enclosure.

The Raspberry Pi smartwatch was created to impress a friend at work and the headers from the Raspberry Pi Zero W have been soldered upside down making them a perfect length to connect to the top of the Waveshare 1.33 inch LCD screen, says its creator.

For more details on how to create your very own Raspberry Pi smartwatch jump over to the official project page on the Hackster.io website. Where Tylersuard provides a full component list of everything you need together with complete instructions on how to build your very own.