Circuit Groovebox users may be interested in a new
MIDI controller developed by BLL based in France, called the SHORT, designed to
offer a compatible device with Circuit Novation and the Groove Box application.
Which usually requires you to plug it into a computer to set up complex
patches. However, SHORT has been specifically designed to provide a convenient
portable device that will allow you to “tune patches on the fly”.
SHORT has been designed to provide a tiny intuitive
battery-powered music creation system simply plugs into the groovebox and
allows you to control every single parameter of the synthesiser with ease. The
integrated buttons on the SHORT enable users to easily navigate through the
parameters using the small LCD screen an additional eight macro controls of the
groove box to change their value.
SHORT has this week launched via Kickstarter and is
available to back with early bird pledges starting from € 100 or £ 88. If all
goes well and the development team raise the required € 4000 pledge goal, SHORT
will start shipping out to backers during April 2018. For full specifications
and a list of all available pledge options jump over to the official Kickstarter
campaign page.