Elephone U Pro

In an unusual move from Elephone yesterday, the upcoming S9 Series is now officially the U Series. After many suggestions from users that the S9 model gets easily confused with models from other companies, Elephone decided to choose “U” as it resembles the curved AMOLED display of the device among other things. So, nice to meet U again Elephone S9.

Other than that, the Elephone U Pro will be featuring NFC chip as we informed you in previous news. NFC is kind of misunderstood as some users don’t even know it’s there. Nevertheless, it is more than useful as it can serve multiple purposes. Are you tired of packaging your bus card, wallet and lots of things when you go out? NFC help you clear all this and lighten your bag as you can use NFC to enter the subway or recharge your bus ticket, even use it to make contactless payments. Also, you can transfer files between devices much faster than Bluetooth.