DxO has this week made available their new DxO One
Android camera which is now available via an early access program priced at US$ 499. Offering the detachable Android camera, waterproof case and a copy of the
DxO image editing software in one bundle. Normally the waterproof casing would
be priced at US$ 60 and the image editing software at US$ 200.
The detachable Android camera has been a long time
coming to the Android platform and first launched for Apple’s iPhone back in
2015. The DxO One connects to your Android smartphone using a USB-C and
supports connection to the likes of the HTC U11, Huawei Mate 9, LG G6, Galaxy
S8 and Note 8 Android devices to name a few. In the coming months you can
expect more features to be rolled out to the DxO One Android camera including
time-lapse and Facebook live features. DxO explains more about the early access
program and its benefits.
For more information on features that will soon be
arriving on the DxO One Android camera and to sign up for the early access
program jump over to the official DxO website.