
If you are having problems deciding which home automation assistant to choose, or would not like to be restricted by one specific platform from Google, Apple or Amazon. You may be interested in a new personal assistant and home automation solution which has been created by Geeklink called Gennova.

Gennova supports Amazon Echo, Siri and others and is now available to backfire Kickstarter with worldwide shipping expected to take place during November 2017.

Gennova is a home automation solution special for your HomeKit accessories. Just plug it in and all devices will connect automatically. Then you can completely keep your house under control with your Home App. Set up different scenes and control them by asking Siri. From now on, you can freely control your house even without using your phone.

For instance, asking Siri to turn off lights in bedrooms when you are busy with cooking. With the affordable accessories, you can freely enjoy your life. Life in the future will be more intelligent and automated.