A couple of months ago, Ice Universe reported that the upcoming Xiaomi 15 Ultra will have a 200MP telephoto camera. Now, fellow Weibo tipsters are providing more details on that camera, which will be exclusive to the Ultra – the vanilla and Pro models will have to settle for 50MP 3x cameras, based on what we’ve heard so far. The Ultra camera will have a 100mm lens, which works out to around 4.3x magnification. The lens will have an f/2.6 aperture. For comparison, the 14 Ultra had a 50MP 120mm periscope (5x) with an f/2.5 lens.
Note that the Ultra is expected to have
two telephoto cameras – the 200MP module will be the star of the show, but the
phone will also have the same 50MP 3x module as the other two 15-series phones.
All three will be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 (or 8 Elite or whatever it
ends up being called) with improved ISP and NPU for image processing.
The Xiaomi 15 Ultra is expected to launch
at a separate event from the other Xiaomi 15 models – that was the case with
the 14-series too. However, this time there will be less of a gap as the Xiaomi
15 and 15 Pro are expected later this month and the 15 Ultra is expected in
January (rather than February).