Apple announced its new iPad mini (2024) with a simple press release. It’s one of the most minor updates in iPad history with the main addition being the Apple A17 Pro chip which made its debut on last year’s iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max. The new mini replaces the 2021 model and will be in line to receive Apple Intelligence when it begins its gradual rollout with iPadOS 18.1 later this month. Apart from the more modern chip, the new mini features 128GB base storage (up from 64GB) and updated connectivity with support for Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3 and a faster USB Type-C 3.1 Gen2 port. It also adds support for the Apple Pencil Pro stylus and comes in a new Blue color which joins Purple, Starlight, and Space Gray.
The rest of the specs are identical with
an 8.3-inch Liquid Retina IPS LCD with 1,488 x 2,266px resolution and a 3:2
aspect ratio. The refresh rate is still capped at 60Hz as Apple continues to
gatekeep ProMotion (120Hz) for Pro users. The pair of 12MP cameras are also
carried over from the previous gen mini but get the added advantage of the
improved ISP from the A15 Pro chip with Smart HDR 4 support.
You get good old Touch ID for biometric
unlocks and app purchases as well as the same 19.3-watt-hour battery which
Apple claims will last you for 10 hours of browsing or watching videos over
Wi-Fi. The retail package includes a 20W USB-C power adapter. Apple is also
launching a new Smart Folio case for US$ 59.
Apple iPad mini (2024) starts at US$ 499/€ 599/£ 499 for the 128GB W-Fi only model and US$ 649/€ 769/£ 649 for the version
with cellular connectivity. Pre-orders open today while shipments and open
sales are scheduled to begin on October 23.