At the beginning of this month, the Samsung Galaxy A16 5G ran Geekbench powered by MediaTek's Dimensity 6300 chipset. Today, another version of the Galaxy A16 5G has also been spotted in the Geekbench database, but with an entirely different SoC. This time around it's Samsung's own Exynos 1330 at the helm. We would compare the scores but the two devices ran different versions of Geekbench.
The point here is that it seems like
Samsung will offer the A16 5G with two different chipsets depending on market.
The SM-A166P with the Dimensity 6300, and the SM-A166E with the Exynos 1330, a
chip also used in the Galaxy A54 and Galaxy A35.
The prototype Galaxy A16 5G which ran
Geekbench today had only 4GB of RAM, so we're definitely hoping there will be
more options on offer. Samsung is also working on a 4G-only Galaxy A16, by the