Xiaomi is gearing up to announce a new smartwatch in India next week with the Redmi Watch 5 Active. The wearable is set to debut on August 27 and Redmi India shared a bunch of teasers for the device, confirming most of its key specs.
Watch 5 Active will feature a rectangular
2-inch touchscreen – most likely an OLED panel. It will also support Bluetooth
calling from a paired phone and Xiaomi is also advertising a Clear+ calling
feature which likely helps with noise reduction.
Redmi Watch 5 Active is claimed to offer
up to 18 days of battery life between charges which is impressive though it
likely involves activating a battery-saver option. The watch will boot Xiomi
HyperOS with onboard Alexa voice assistant integration and will offer tracking
for 140+ sports modes. We’re also expecting the usual wellness metrics like
heart rate, SpO2, and sleep tracking.