Poco Pad 5G was just announced in India and it brings one major difference to the previously launched Poco Pad – 5G cellular connectivity. The rest of the specs are shared between the two devices with a 12.1-inch IPS LCD (FHD+ 120Hz), Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 chipset and a 10,000 mAh battery with 33W charging.
The software side is covered by Xiaomi’s
HyperOS based on Android 14 which features integration with other Poco and
Xiaomi devices. These include a shared clipboard feature, cross-device notes,
network sync, and home screen+ which brings the apps from your phone to the
tablet. Poco Pad 5G will also come with support for the Poco Smart Pen and Poco
Keyboard accessories which are sold separately.
Poco Pad comes in Cobalt Blue and
Pistachio Green colors. The base price for the 8/128GB trim is INR 23,999
(US$ 286) and INR 25,999 (US$ 310) for the 8/256GB version. Open sales tip-off on
August 27 from Flipkart.