Huawei is preparing to launch a new foldable phone called nova Flip. The company posted a teaser video on its Weibo channel, where a member of the TFBoys music band showcased the clamshell from all angles in a lovely Lime green color. The new phone will have a square cover display, alongside the camera island. The screen is relatively small in current terms, but is still bigger than what the Huawei Pocket foldables had.
The whole teaser is a series of clicks and
clacks, which make up the Morse code for the word "Flip." We can see
the nova phone will have two cameras on the back, one shooter inside a punch
hole on the inside panel, and a flat power key that should act as a fingerprint
scanner as well.
Huawei is expected to introduce the nova
Flip next week. The company scheduled an event in China on August 6, when we
also might see a new Matebook GT laptop, MatePad Pro 12.2 and MatePad Air 2024
tablets and a Printer X1 Max.