Xiaomi launched the Xiaomi 14 and 14 Pro smartphones in October. But whispers of a higher-tier “Ultra” variant have been swirling for a while now. While Xiaomi hasn’t officially confirmed its existence, the device has been leaked in new hands-on images. The photos, likely taken during an early camera test, show the phone concealed in a protective case. This obscures the overall design, but there is a noticeable camera bump with a periscope lens on the lower right side.
The phone can be seen compared to the
Xiaomi 14 Pro and Vivo X100 Pro in these images and also seems to share the
frame with what looks like the Xiaomi 13 Ultra. Beyond the visible features,
the most interesting details come from a white label on the phone’s back.
It has markings “N1,” “P2,” and “EU” which
offer cryptic clues. According to Xiaomiui, “N1” aligns with the expected model
number for the Leica-branded flagship, further strengthening the possibility
that this is indeed the 14 Ultra. “P2” suggests it’s a prototype, an early
iteration not yet finalized, while “EU” hints at a potential global version
intended for European markets.
While the camera module itself remains
largely concealed, we can expect a familiar round design with four lenses. According to tipster Digital Chat Station,
the Xiaomi 14 Ultra will sport a 50MP main sensor (Sony LYT 900 with OIS) with
a variable aperture. Alongside the main sensor, a 50MP telephoto lens, another
50MP periscope lens, and a 50MP ultra-wide lens are expected to complete the package.
The leaked information also suggests a
possible titanium frame upgrade for the 14 Ultra. It will replace the aluminum
used in the regular 14 Pro. There are also rumors of two-way satellite
communication and the phone may house a 5180mAh battery with support for 90W
wired and 50W wireless charging.
The Xiaomi 14 Ultra is expected to debut
with the Xiaomi Pad 7 series in April 2024.