Apple's upcoming iPhone 15 Pro will be unveiled at a special event next month, that's rumored to be happening on September 12. The date itself should become official next week. Unlike its predecessor, which used stainless steel for the frame, the iPhone 15 Pro (and the Pro Max alongside it) are rumored to swap that for a titanium frame.
This apparently influences the colorways
that the company can offer, and thus gold and purple will be out, to be
replaced by Titan Gray and a dark blue, respectively.
Keep in mind that the name isn't final,
but Titan Gray is said to be the working title used by Apple throughout the
development process. As you can see, Titan Gray will be darker than silver or
white and lighter than Space Black or graphite. A dark blue finish will replace
purple in Apple's new Pro smartphone lineup. The iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus
are expected to launch in black, green, blue, yellow, and pink.