Nubia launched the Z50 Ultra flagship phone earlier in March this year after launching the standard Z50 last December. Now, the brand is reportedly working on a third device in the Z50 series. The company has already teased the launch of a new flagship phone series without revealing the name. It is rumored to be dubbed the Nubia Z50S Pro. The upcoming offering has been spotted on 3C certification and the Geekbench benchmarking platform.
The Nubia Z50S Pro is listed on Geekbench
benchmarking platform and 3C certification website with model number NX713J. The
former reveals a motherboard codenamed Kalama comprising of three cores clocked
at 2.02GHz, four cores at 2.80GHz, and one core ticking at 3.36GHz. This
corresponds to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC paired with Adreno 740 GPU. The
benchmark listing reveals 12GB RAM onboard and it will ship with Android 13 OS.
We can also expect more RAM and storage configurations at launch.
In the Geekbench’s single-core and
multi-core test results, the Nubia Z50S Pro scores 1,564 and 5,115 points
respectively. As for the 3C certification, the listing reveals that it will
come with support for 80W fast charging. Apart from the aforementioned
details, the listings don’t reveal any additional information of the Nubia Z50S
Pro. As per a past report, the upcoming Nubia flagship is said to feature an
upgraded primary camera, promising an improved photography experience.
We expect to learn more details about the
upcoming Nubia phone in the coming days.