Fire-Boltt, a prominent player in the Indian smartwatch market, has unveiled its latest offering, the Fire-Boltt Ultimate. Targeted at budget-conscious consumers looking for a feature-rich smartwatch, the Fire-Boltt Ultimate boasts an attractive price point and impressive specifications. The Fire-Boltt Ultimate features a 1.39-inch circular display with HD resolution and a pixel count of 240 x 240. The watch offers multiple watch face options to cater to individual preferences. With a sleek and stylish circular dial design, the Fire-Boltt Ultimate exudes a premium feel.
One of the standout features of the
Fire-Boltt Ultimate is its Bluetooth calling capability. By leveraging the
in-built microphone, speaker, and Bluetooth 5.0 protocol, users can
conveniently make and receive calls directly from their wrist. The smartwatch
also includes a dedicated Dial Pad and supports call history and contact
synchronization for seamless communication.
According to Fire-Boltt, the watch
features fashion-style glass for the circular dial, ensuring durability and a
sophisticated look. Fitness enthusiasts will appreciate the watch’s
comprehensive activity tracking capabilities, which cover running, swimming,
cycling, and an impressive 123 other sports activities. Moreover, the in-built
microphone and speaker enable access to the integrated voice assistant for
added convenience.
To enhance the overall user experience,
Fire-Boltt has equipped the smartwatch with a range of additional features.
Users can enjoy in-built games, as well as access the Fire-Boltt Health Suite,
which offers various health tracking features. These include female health care
tracking, heart rate monitoring, and SpO2 measurement. With an IP68 rating, the
Fire-Boltt Ultimate is suitable for outdoor use, ensuring resistance against
water and other environmental conditions. The watch also includes features such
as drinking water and sedentary reminders, smart notifications, weather
updates, and control over music and camera functions.
The watch is powered by a 270mAh battery,
which provides an impressive runtime of up to 7 days without Bluetooth calling
and 3 days with Bluetooth calling. In standby mode, the Fire-Boltt Ultimate can
last up to 20 days. Charging the watch from 0 to 100 percent takes 120 minutes.
The Fire-Boltt Ultimate comes in two variants: one with a metallic strap
available in Black, Silver, and Gold, and another with a leather strap in Black
and Brown options. The metallic strap variant is available at an introductory
price of Rs 1,999, while the leather strap variant is priced at Rs 1,799. The
Fire-Boltt Ultimate will be up for sale from Flipkart and Fire-Boltt’s eStore
starting at 12 PM on June 19. The company also launched Fire-Boltt Dagger Luxe
and Fire-Boltt Blizzard recently.