Omni One VR treadmill

Virtuix has teased its latest in-home VR treadmill the Omni One. The Omni One VR treadmill is slated for unveiling soon and the latest teaser provides some great optics for the VR gadget. Virtual reality (VR) applications in gaming have been on the increase recently. VR is capable of taking a gamer to new dimensions but the risk of crashing back to reality still persists. Virtuix is providing a practical solution to this issue with the release of the Omni One VR treadmill.

The VR treadmill is designed for the home and allows a user to freely move into and out of the virtual gaming world without crashing into barriers and other obstacles. It creates a space where the user can move freely and safely with less danger from the environment.

VR gaming offers immersion but comes with the flipside of losing track of the real-world surroundings and crashing into a barrier or obstacle. The Virtuix products consist of omnidirectional treadmills with in-built harnesses that create an unfettered VR space for gamers. It allows the player to execute more movements in-game in safety from the real-world surroundings and barriers. A player can run, crouch, or jump to a certain level when using the Omni One VR treadmill.

The Virtuix VR treadmill solution has been seen in commercial VR environments previously. However, the Omni One is the first in-home application of the technology. It is designed to take up minimal floor space and it has its own headset. The gadget will support up to 30 premium games when it is unveiled eventually. The Omni One currently exists as an investor-only model although a production model could be out soon. There are no timelines however on when the Virtuix Omni One VR treadmill will berth in homes.