Zebronics has launched a high-end projector known as the ZEB-PixaPlay 17 in India with the intention of delivering the most satisfying visual experience possible to its consumers. The launch follows the release of the Zeb-Sound Bomb X1 3-in-1 Wireless Earbuds. The smart projector has features like autofocus and keystone adaptation. It supports Dolby Audio and has an LED lamp that gives off an amazing 6000 lumens of light. The ZEB-PixaPlay 17 is made to give you the best viewing experience, with sharp colours and great detail.
It has powerful speakers built in, and you
can also add a Zebronics speaker from a wide range to make the sound even
better. It’s a smart projector with dual-band WiFi and Bluetooth wireless
connectivity. You can put your favourite app on the projector and watch
over-the-top (OTT) content without any other devices. It also has a lot of
input options, like two HDMI ports and two USB ports. It also has an auxiliary
audio output port.
The lamp in the projector lasts for 30,000
hours, so you won’t have to worry about it going out while you’re watching.
Users can cast wirelessly from their devices to the projector and mirror what’s
on their screen. The projector comes with a remote and can be put on the
ceiling. The projector also comes with a bag to make it easy to carry.
The ZEB-PixaPlay 17 is available from
Flipkart.com at an introductory price of Rs. 24,999, and the MRP is Rs. 59,999.