Apple started the trend of not including AC adapters on its smartphones a few years back. Thereafter Samsung, Xiaomi, and other Android phone manufacturers followed suit even when the models come with charging ratings that the old adapters can’t deliver. Even the latest Pixel 7 series was released without AC adapters. Thus, owners will have to either make do with their old adapters or buy a new adapter that meets that rating. Shargeek has launched a new adapter dubbed Shargeek Retro 67W.
As the name implies, the Shargeek Retro
67W comes with a 67W rating and it is presently listed on Indiegogo for $39.
The charger uses the Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology and it comes in a compact
size just like most GaN chargers around. But where this product differs is the
inclusion of a pixelated display that is reminiscent of the Matrix, and vintage
Macintosh styling. The real-time display indicates the maximum charging output
of 67 W, which can fully charge an iPhone or a MacBook Air M2 in two hours.
The Retro 67 W includes several USB ports
to charge many devices at once, just as the majority of USB-C AC converters.
However, the 67 W total output from the three integrated USB-C ports is shared,
thus the 67 W will be divided into 15 W, 20 W, or 45 W depending on how many
devices are connected.
The Shargeek charger is presently on sale
on Indiegogo for 302 HKD (US$ 38).