The Samsung Galaxy M04 we've been hearing about for a few months will be launched on December 9 at noon local time in India. This revelation comes from since it created a promo page for the Galaxy M04 on its website with a "Notify Me" button for those who'd like to be notified about the smartphone's launch in India. The promo page also reveals the Samsung Galaxy M04's design, key specs, and color options. The smartphone packs a waterdrop notch display and sports two cameras on the back. It will come in black and green colors with 128GB of storage onboard.
Amazon doesn't reveal the physical RAM
amount, but says the Galaxy M04 will have up to 8GB RAM with the RAM Plus
feature. That means the actual RAM will be 6GB or less, and the smartphone's
internal storage will be used as virtual RAM to offer a total of 8GB RAM to the
users. That said, the Galaxy M04 will get OS upgrades for two years, but
there's no official confirmation on whether it will run Android 12 or Android
13 out of the box. However, if Geekbench and Google Play Console are to be
believed, you should expect Android 12 when you boot the smartphone.
The Galaxy M04 was listed on Google Play
Console and Geekbench with the Helio G35 SoC and 3GB RAM, but we don't know if
the smartphone will have the 3GB RAM option in India. What we do know is that
the Galaxy M04 will be priced starting at INR8,XXX in India, meaning anywhere
between INR 8,000 (US$ 97/€ 93) and INR 8,999 (US$ 109/€ 104). We'll learn more about the
Samsung Galaxy M04's specs, price, and availability in India on Friday.