The Samsung Galaxy A14 5G has surfaced yet again, this time appearing on the Google Play Console. The Console confirmed some specs about the display, but more importantly, it details the chipset – the Exynos 1330. This chip (Samsung S5E8535) has two Cortex-A78 cores running at 2.4GHz and six A55 cores at 2.0GHz. For graphics, there is the Mali-G68 at 950MHz. The table below shows how this compares against something like the Exynos 1280 that was used in certain 2022 A and M series phones, as well as the Dimensity 700.
Why the Dimensity 700? Based on Geekbench
results at least some Galaxy A14 versions will be powered by the MediaTek chip
instead of Samsung’s own. The Dimensity 700 is currently featured on the Galaxy
A13 5G, while the A13 4G uses the Exynos 850 (which only has an LTE modem).
By the way, the Exynos 1330 will probably
be used for the Galaxy M15 5G as well, we’ve seen Geekbench scores from that
phone too – and from the Exynos version of the A13 5G. Both versions of the A13
5G, as well as the M13 5G, had 4GB of RAM (there might be higher capacity
models, they just weren’t tested). Samsung is also preparing a more powerful
Exynos 1380. From what we’ve heard that one will use a Mali-G615 GPU based on
ARM’s latest graphics architecture.
Going back to the phone itself, the
Samsung Galaxy A14 5G will be quite large, featuring a 6.8” LCD (with FHD+
resolution, as confirmed by the GPC). A leaked image revealed its design,
showing a triple camera on the back starring a 50MP main camera, as well as a
13MP selfie camera notched into the front. The phone will be equipped with a
beefy 5,000mAh battery.
The official support page for the Galaxy
A14 5G went live a couple of days ago, which is normally one of the last steps
before the official announcement. The A-series tends to get a group
announcement towards the end of the year, so we should see a few others launch
in the coming weeks too. We haven’t heard anything about a 4G version of the
Galaxy A14 and there might not be one – the Exynos 1330 is supposed to be a
replacement for the Exynos 850, so this may be Samsung waving goodbye to LTE.