Recently RAKK introduced a budget gaming headset under PHP 700, and now they unveiled the PRIYO with tri-mode features. The new headphone resembles a lot of the popular RAKK Kusog Pro, only the difference is that there's a white rounded pattern outside the RGB logo. RAKK said that it is made of ABS + aluminum materials and is light in weight at 335 grams.

It comes with a detachable boom microphone, soft padded replaceable memory foam earpads, and a neckband. Inside, you'll find 50mm drivers for an immersive listening experience. The biggest highlight of the headset is its tri-mode feature. That means you can connect it using a 3.5mm audio jack, or wireless mode via the 2.4GHz dongle, or Bluetooth connection. Making it an all-rounder and compatible with PC, mobile, or consoles.

RAKK also said that this can fit into your bag with the foldable design making it ideal for travel use as well. Lastly, the battery has 1,000mAh so you can use it for "longer" periods.

RAKK PRIYO priced at PHP 1,995