Pebble has expanded its range of smartwatches. The brand has launched the Pebble Frost in India. It is an affordable offering and falls under the Rs 2,000 price tag. The device goes up against smartwatches offered by brands like boAt, Noise, Fire-Boltt in the country. Read on to know what the Pebble Frost offers out of the box.
The Pebble Frost looks exactly identical
to the Apple Watch. It has a metallic casing and a multi-rotating crown button
on the right side. The device is IP67-certified dust and water-resistant. The
smartwatch features a square dial with a 1.87-inch display bearing an HD
resolution. It packs more than 100 watch faces.
On the fitness front, the Pebble Frost is
equipped with a heart-rate monitor, SpO2 sensor, and a sleep tracker. It also
packs sedentary reminders that will alert the user if they have been staying
idle for a long time. The wearable device comes with multiple sports modes and
can track calories, distance covered, and steps taken.
The Pebble Frost features a built-in microphone
and speaker for Bluetooth calling functionality. It also displays dial pad and
recent logs. The device has an AI voice assistant. The smartwatch comes with
convenient features like weather updates, notifications, music playback
control, a calculator, and more. The
Pebble Frost is priced at Rs 1,999 and is offered in Black, Blue, Grey, and
Orange colours. It is available for purchase from Flipkart and the brand’s
official website.