HapiPola, a Chennai-based lifestyle company, has released a new smartwatch for women. The company says that the Floral smartwatch enhances women’s tracking needs, including a menstrual cycle tracker and wellbeing trackers like an ovulation period tracker and pregnancy period tracker. The smartwatch has a 1.32″ AMOLED display that gives a clear and bright display on a round dial. It has a soft touch UI that makes it easy to use and connects easily to iOS and Android with the JYouPro mobile app, which has 100+ creative watch faces designed by artists.
The smartwatch also has a caller ID and
reject button, an alarm clock, a remote camera shutter, and music controls. It
also keeps track of your SPO2 and heart rate to keep track of your health data.
It also has a pedometer, calorie counter, distance tracker, sleep monitor, and
a reminder to move around when you’re sitting still. The smartwatch offers
Bluetooth calling as well. For athletes, the device offers 10+ sports modes, and
for women, it tracks periods, ovulation, pregnancy, etc. The smartwatch is also
IP68 water-resistant.
Quick specifications: Floral Smartwatch
- 1.32″ AMOLED Display
- Bluetooth v5.0 with Bluetooth Calling
- Women’s essential: Period, Ovulation and Pregnancy tracking
- Music control and play on the watch
- 24/7 Health Tracking – Heart rate, SpO2, Sleep, Blood Pressure etc.
- 10+ Sports modes
- Up to 4 days of battery life
- Voice assistant support
- 100+ designed creative watch faces
- JYouPro App compatible
- Smart features – Caller ID/reject, an alarm clock, a remote camera shutter, and music control
- IP68 Water Resistant
- Colors: Black, Grey, Pastel Pink
The Hapi Pola’s Floral Smartwatch is now
specially priced at Rs. 3,999 rather than its actual price of Rs. 9,999 and is
available for purchase from the company’s website and also on leading online
stores, including Flipkart, starting today.