TECNO PHANTOM X was introduced last year, and it was also launched in India earlier this year. The PHANTOM X is a 4G phone powered by Helio G95 SoC. Today, TECNO has confirmed the launch of PHANTOM X2 series in December, and also said that the series will be powered by the flagship MediaTek Dimensity 9000 SoC, which is a huge upgrade. This was announced at during the Webinar ‘The Push Towards Premium: Changing Smartphone Preferences and the Technology Behind Them’ held on November 22nd.
The webinar provides a platform for
influential industry leaders to discuss the drivers and forces influencing the
growing global demand for more premium smartphone technologies, said the
company. The company also confirmed that the phone will feature groundbreaking
camera innovations. In terms of upgraded imaging performance, TECNO said that
the phone powered by Dimensity 9000 will create a fluent creative experience
with multi-exposure and complex HDR shooting modes, effortlessly capturing greater
levels of light and shade in photos and videos, even in indoor or low-light
The flagship TECNO PHANTOM X2 Series will
be introduced in Dubai on December 7th. The TECNO series will provide global
consumers with the best of PHANTOM’s trailblazing innovation alongside a
remarkable premium smartphone user experience.