The OnePlus TV 1S Pro was introduced in India in April. Initially, the brand only debuted a 43-inch model. A 50-inch version later followed it in July. Four months later, a reliable tipster says that OnePlus will soon release a 55-inch variant of this television. The leaker has also shared some of the features of this upcoming TV.
According to Ishan Agarwal (via
MySmartPrice), the OnePlus TV 55 Y1S Pro will soon launch in India.
Unfortunately, the tipster keeps the exact launch date a secret. However, he
does speak about the features. Going by that, the 55-inch variant of the
OnePlus TV Y1S Pro will be identical to the other two sizes. The television
will flaunt a 4K panel with support for HDR10+ and MEMC. The screen will be paired
with 24W speakers.
The device will boot Android TV with
support for leading streaming services like YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video, and
more. It will offer multiple port options, such as 2 x USB 2.0, 3 x HDMI 2.1 (one of them is eARC compatible), Ethernet,
and RF. The forthcoming 55-inch version is expected to cost around ₹ 40,000.
That’s because the 43-inch and 50-inch models are priced at ₹ 29,999 and
₹ 32,999, respectively.