Fire-Bolt has added another smartwatch with calling features to its wearable line-up. The Fire-Boltt Ninja Call Pro Plus is the company’s newest offering, and it has features such as a 1.83-inch display, Bluetooth calling, 100+ sports modes, up to 6 days of battery life, and more. The Fire-Boltt Ninja Call Pro Plus will provide advanced health-tracking metrics, thanks to the presence of SpO2, heart rate, and sleep monitoring. The watch is ready to withstand sweat, water, and dust as it has an IP67 rating.
The smartwatch can provide notifications,
weather, and AI voice assistant support, as well as built-in games for playing.
It is claimed to provide 6 days of battery life in normal use and up to 15 days
of standby battery life.
Fire-Boltt Ninja Call Pro Plus
- 1.83-inch (240 x 280 pixels) LCD screen
- 100+ sports mode
- Heart rate, SpO2, and Sleep monitoring
- Activity Tracker, Calorie Tracker
- Bluetooth Calling support
- Built In Mic and Speaker
- IP67 water and dust resistant
- Smart Notifications, Voice Assistant, Games, Find Phone, Camera Control, Music Player, Alarm Clock
- up to 6 days battery life on normal use
The Fire-Boltt Ninja Call Pro Plus comes in black, gold black, pink, grey, and navy-blue colours at an introductory price of Rs. 1,999. The smartwatch is already on sale in and Fire-Boltt website.