Diesel launched a new Wear OS 3 smartwatch equipped with the Snapdragon 4100+ platform. Griffed Gen 6 brings GPS, Bluetooth 5 LE, Wi-Fi and NFC with support for Google Wallet. The watch is offered in a single 45.5mm size and features a stainless steel case and configurable metal, leather, or nylon watch straps. You get the usual mix of health tracking with heart rate monitoring, SpO2 readings, sleep and stress tracking.
Griffed Gen 6 also does sports tracking
for a wide variety of activities. The watch comes with 1GB RAM and 8GB onboard
storage. The casing is also 3 ATM splashproof. Diesel Griffed Gen 6 comes in
gunmetal and silver colors with configurable band options for US$ 350. Open sales
start on December 1.