Blaupunkt BTW09 Moksha TWS earbuds launched in India. The earbuds come with hybrid ANC (active noise cancellation) of up to 35bd that is claimed to eliminate outside sound even in the noisiest places. The company says that the TWS can provide up to 60 hours of playtime combined with the charging case. There is Blink Pair technology which allows the earphones to quickly pair with the smartphone once you open the case.
On the specifications front, the Blaupunkt
BTW09 Moksha has a lightweight design and is powered by 10mm drivers. The
earbuds feature Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation technology with 6 microphones
(3 in each bud), each serving a specific function. The TWS has three
modes—Normal, ANC, and Ambient. The normal mode is for listening to music and
ANC is for noisy environments. The ambient mode can be used to stay aware of
the environment while also listening to audio.
The Blaupunkt earbuds offer Bluetooth v5.2
connectivity with a maximum operating distance of 10 meters. The earbuds have
an IPX5-rated body that is dust- and water-resistant and are compatible with
all Bluetooth audio devices supporting Bluetooth A2DP profile. They have a
lightweight ergonomic design and can deliver a latency rate of up to 60
milliseconds for gaming.
The earbuds have touch controls to answer
or reject calls, control volume and skip tracks. Each earbud has a 45mAh
battery while the case packs a 470mAh unit. The company says the earphones
combined with the case can provide up to 60 hours of playback at 50% volume.
Further, the Blaupunkt BTW09 Moksha comes with TurboVolt fast charging tech and
can offer 4.5 hours of playtime with just 15 minutes of charge.
The Blaupunkt BTW09 Moksha TWS earbuds
price in India is set at Rs 3,999 and they are offered in sole Black color. The
earbuds can be purchased from Amazon and Blaupunkt’s own website.