OnePlus has quietly launched a new pair of wired earphones with a 3.5mm connector. The hearables in question are called OnePlus Nord Wired Earphones. They come with a 9.2mm drivers and a 0.42cc sound. The earphones have a design similar to the OnePlus’s bullets Wireless Z and come in sole black color option.
The OnePlus Nord Wired Earphones feature
9.2mm dynamic drivers and a 0.42cc sound cavity. Their design is largely
identical to that of the Bullets Wireless Z. the earphones offer a sturdy and
clean look and also come with an IPX4 water-resistant rating. Nord Wired
Earphones feature an in-line microphone that is housed within the control
panel. The controls are physical, so you can easily click on the power button,
volume up or volume down button for instant feedback.
For portability and convenient audio
controls, each earphone features a magnet that sticks together. You can clip
them to pause and unclip to play. As mentioned, these earphones come with a
3.5mm audio jack. The company claims the earphones work best with OnePlus
phones that have a 3.5mm audio jack. But they work with any gadgets that have a
3.5mm audio port.
The OnePlus Nord Wired Earphones have been
launched in Europe and UK. Currently, it’s unknown whether the earphones will
be available in North America or Asia. They are priced at € 19.99. As mentioned,
the OnePlus Nord earphones only come in a black color option. They will ship
with three pairs of silicone ear tips in small, medium, and large sizes.