Mivi has launched the DuoPods F50, the company’s latest ‘Made in India’ TWS earbuds, after the launch of the DuoPods A350 recently. It has 13mm electro-dynamic drivers, comes with Bluetooth 5.1 technology with support for AAC and SBC codecs, and features dual MEMS microphones that allow for clear voice input and output while on the phone.
It offers 8.5 hours of standalone playback
and a total playback of 50 hours with the case on a single charge. The earbuds
are IPX4 sweat- and water-resistant, making them an ideal choice for fitness
enthusiasts who want to keep grooving to their favourite tunes while working
out, and they charge in 10 minutes, giving the case 10 hours of battery life.
Furthermore, the device comes with touch controls and Google/Siri Voice
Assistant support.
Specifications: Mivi DuoPods F50
- Fit: Half in ear design
- Dual MEMS microphones technology
- Driver Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 KHz
- Driver Type: Dynamic
- Drivers Size: 13mm
- Noise Cancellation: PNC
- Connectivity: Bluetooth 5.1, AAC and SBC codecs
- Bluetooth Profiles: AVRCP, A2DP
- IPX4 Water Resistant
- Touch Controls with Google/Siri Voice Assistant
- Battery: 40 mAh x 2 in the buds offer up to 8.5h playback,
- Battery case: 500mAh battery in the case offers up to 50h playback, USB Type-C charging, 1 hour of charging time for the case and the headset
- Indicators: Power Indicator, Connection Status Indictor
- Controls: Volume Control, Music Control, Call Reject, Call Receive, Call End
The Mivi DuoPods F50 come in Black, White,
Pink, and Blue with a metallic finish and are available from Flipkart at an introductory price of Rs. 999 and also
carries a 1-year warranty.