In India, Zebronics has released the “Drip,” a new smartwatch that can be used for fitness, Bluetooth calls and more. Last year, Zebronics ZEB-FIT4220CH was launched in India as well. The smartwatch has a 4.3cm (1.69″) square display. It has a metal frame, which not only gives it a sleek and stylish appearance but also tends to make it resilient to daily wear and tear with an IP67 rating. The watch is also available with a metal strap and a magnetic loop design that is both easy to put on and very elegant.
The smartwatch is packed with numerous
fitness features. The meditation mode lets you relax and focus, which is very
important in today’s busy and stressful world. With the integrated sensors, it
can also take a number of bodily parameters, including blood pressure, SpO2,
and heart rate. In addition to tracking steps, calories, and distance, the
watch has more than 100 different sports modes. The smartwatch has a data
storage capacity of five days. The watch offers up to 7 days of battery life
with typical usage.
The watch also has eight menu UIs,
including four built-in games. There are 10 watch faces pre-installed on the
device, and a smartphone app offers access to more than 100 watch faces. The
smartwatch has quick-access buttons for things you often use, and all the apps
that are built in have two menus.
- 1.69-inch Touch Display
- 8 Menu UI
- Heart Rate Monitor, SpO2 (Blood Oxygen) Monitor, Blood Pressure Monitor, Pedometer, Sleep Monitor, Calorie Count, Step Count
- 7 days Battery
- Notifications, Alarm Clock, Stopwatch, Reminder, Timer
- Bluetooth 5.0 with Calling support
- 100+ Sports Mode
- Water Resistant, IP67
- 10 Built-in & 100+ customizable watch faces
- Voice assistant support: Siri and Google
The Zebronics Drip smartwatch is available
in 5 colors: Blue, Beige, and Black in silicon strap; Silver, and Black in
metal strap. It will be available for purchase on at an introductory
price of Rs. 1999 for the silicon strap model and Rs. 2399 for the metal strap