Motorola, the company which makes entry-level and mid-range smartphones, also made a comeback in the tablet segment last year. Now, the company appears to be preparing to launch another tablet in the market. A new Moto Tab G62 from the company has been spotted with a decent set of specifications for the mid-range category but the details about launch and availability remain unknown.
The upcoming Motorola Tab G62 has been on
the Google Play Console listing, revealing some of the key specifications of
the device. It will come with a display that offers 1200 x 2000 pixels screen
resolution. This is the same resolution as the Moto Tab G70 and in that case,
but instead of the 11-inch screen of the Tab G70, this new tablet is expected
to have a 9.7-inch display.
Under the hood, the device will come
powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 678 for the Wi-Fi-only model while the 4G
LTE model will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 processor, both of
which are about three years old chips.
The tablet is expected to pack 4GB of RAM
in terms of memory and in the software department, the device will be running
the Android 12 operating system with the company’s own custom user interface on
top. We expect to know more about this Motorola Tab G62 tablet in the coming
weeks, including information about the specifications, features, pricing, and