Xiaomi Hub Gateway has been unveiled in China. The gadget will be launched via a crowdfunding campaign on March 23. The latest Xiaomi smart home connection control center is capable of catering to hundreds of connected devices. The retail price for the Xiaomi Hub Gateway is 349 yuan (US$ 55) but a discount is available during the Crowdfunding of what Xiaomi has described as the central brain of its smart home ecosystem, bringing down the price to 309 yuan (US$ 50).
The Hub Gateway provides a hub for
different types of smart devices to receive instructions and scheduling
information for a seamless smart home. It is an interface for various smart
home devices that creates a richer and more efficient application environment.
The built-in Bluetooth Mech gateway can connect 200 Bluetooth Mesh devices and
100 Bluetooth devices at any time. The built-in Bluetooth signal amplifier in
the Xiaomi Hub Gateway enables the device to receive Bluetooth signals from a
distance within the precincts of the home, connecting multiple rooms to the
Hub management is achieved through the new
local hub architecture in the Xiaomi Hub Gateway. It means that devices in the
same local area network are centered on a hub gateway, thus providing local
automatic linkage for devices in the same family. According to Xiaomi,
fluctuations in the external network will not prevent the Hub Gateway from
executing preset automation tasks in advance. The device is powered by a
quad-core processing chip and has 4GB of storage space. Wired and Wi-Fi
connections are possible with the Xiaomi Hub Gateway, and the multiple hubs
provide complimentary backup for themselves.
As earlier hinted, the launch and
Crowdfunding of the Xiaomi Hub Gateway is on March 23 in China with a price of
309 yuan (US$ 50). Although there are no details at this time, other markets
could subsequently get the Xiaomi Hub Gateway after its China launch.